
$10k Months Your Way – Not the Online Space Way



October 3, 2024

What’s the rage with 10k months? And how do you get to $10k/month in the online space?

This summer I had the privilege of being in person with entrepreneurs. I learned when you get out of the online space bubble, you see entrepreneurs who do things in ways you might not have thought of before. 

There are a lot of ways to make money, regardless of what the online space teaches you and the rhetoric you hear every day. (No, there isn’t ONE way to do business) 

Here’s what to focus on so you build 10k months in your own way: 

Structure helps you build $10k/months 

Structure is an unsexy topic. It’s not something people want to talk about or focus on. 

But it IS really important because you have to know where you’re going and how you want to get there. 

You’re going to be a business owner for the rest of your life. Whether you realize it or not most entrepreneurs are unhirable because the way entrepreneurs’ brains work is different from the average employee. 

You’re different. You don’t want to hand your life over to someone else. Or jump through hoops. Or play workspace politics. 

But you still need a salary.  Maybe you want to support your family, build a savings, become debt free, or buy a house. All of these things contribute to your financial situation. 

Work backwards from your 5 year plan 

If your goal is $10k months, how many clients do you need to sign to get a $10k month? What does your business look like when you hit that goal? 

Then think long term… where do you want to be in 5 years? 

When you begin with the end in mind, you can start to identify what your role is inside your company. Where can you take things off your plate so you can reach that goal? 

This is something that’s covered in Mission Income. Thinking about whether you want to be acting CEO, creating content, building curriculum, or coaching clients. Where do you want to spend your time?

If you have enough to cover your salary, enough to pay your team and still have money left in the bank, you can think about what roles you want to hire for. 

Think about HOW you want to grow and the paths you can take to reach those goals by outsourcing. 

Marketing doesn’t have to be as complicated as the online space makes it

Here’s the thing: doing things over and over and over actually creates refinement.  (And no, your audience isn’t sick of hearing the same things over again.)

Refinement is where you have these repeatable, consistent launches that continue to grow. That’s another thing covered in Mission Income

Yes, you’re going to do upfront work. If you’re launching you are writing a TON of emails. But the thing is… you don’t have to write those emails again. 

Look at your open rates, maybe change the subject line or the body of the email, but you already have a framework you can rinse and repeat. 

You don’t need to be on every platform. You can grow outwards where every launch you expand to a new platform. Slowly build your framework every time you launch. 

It creates cross functional marketing so you can take what works on one platform and repurpose it for another. That’s going to be really important as you continue to scale. 

Sales hasn’t changed (even in the online space)

What has changed is how you do sales – the actual principle of sales hasn’t changed. Marketing brings interest to your business, sales closes that interest. 

The online space glorified this idea that success is going to come super fast and it’s going to be easy. But where the money comes in is in the refinement of your structure, marketing, and sales. 

Now, you’re like, OK, Meghan, I understand all of these concepts. I’m implementing these concepts, but how do I just make $10,000 a month? 

How do I do it cash? What does that look like? What am I missing? And it is a mixture of those three. 

It could be a sales and marketing problem where you have a bottleneck and aren’t getting enough leads. Or it could be a structure problem where you’re capped on time and need to revisit pricing. 

These are all things you do inside Mission Income

If you’re in the $5k range and want to grow above it, Mission Income is going to be where you get the customization for your business so it makes sense for you. 





$10k Months Your Way – Not the Online Space Way

Hey, I'm Meghan

I didn’t plan to end up in sales, but here I am, after 10 years, with over 350+ entrepreneurs served and probably not leaving anytime soon.

From getting fired after 11 grueling months in management to helping my clients double their revenue, I’ve learned that selling isn’t about sleazy pitches. It’s about connection, clarity, and confidence.

And now, I’m here to teach you everything I wish I had known when I started.