Your crash course into working less, making more and finally having fun in the sales process

Sales Psychology with this Comprehensive Buyer Psychology Course


sales start with

Sales have gotten a bad rep in the online space. You think that to sign clients you need a suit, a corporate carol attitude, and some god complex. 

Any trying that has left you burned out, bored, and honestly avoiding your DMS (because they dehydrated AF.) 

Let's face it- 
You are still caught up in getting "the" strategy, perfect pitch script and social presence in order to "build authority" to make more sales. 

ANDD You aren't missing some spiritual call from your spiritual guides, an organismic way to sell or anything else you see.

 It's all about being human and embracing the humanness

having fun

See how you can humanize your sales 

you can finally stop

being boring AF on stories because that is what everyone else is doing 

spending time in the DMs with your business bestie and avoiding that one lead asking about your offer. You are OVER proving yourself. 

proving your authority through boring af posts, social proof and just showing up. Even though it leaves a bad taste in your mouth

SAy goodbye, and say hello to clients

Let's make this easier 

Humans buy from humans. You can drop the curated attitude you created to sign clients + feel professional! 

You're a human first, buyer second.

You can feel confident in how you show up, and why you do it, and understand that you don't have to keep up with IG trends. 

Cut through the noise in the online space, spend less time showing up + trying to sign clients. Make an impact while working part-time or even better from the beach. 

90+ Business books later, over $200k spent in education, 3 years in the online space creating $350k CASH, 200 clients served

and second business scaling to $500k in it's first year 

Results made EASIER 

In less than 90 days, me and my clients DMs looked like this 

create your own bought-in audience of WARM leads, who come back for all your new services and offers 

be able to communicate with all your newfound leads in a way that highlights you and how you help them 

leaving you with MASSIVE momentum around your offers, so you can sign clients with just a few story slides 

Massive momentum here 


Buyer Psychology 2.0

cut your sales process time in half with simple shifts
in sales + marketing

Create a sales process rooted in your UNIQUE ability, not some cookie cutter BS that worked for someone else 

Sales Psych here I come


Module 1: Psychology 101

  • How to train your audience to consume all your content - so you can have more clients

  • Creating consistency in your messaging through motivational theory - so you can be front of mind

  • Understanding thinking systems - so you can help your clients make decisions faster 

Module 2: Communication

  • Break down common blocks in your written and verbal marketing to help your ideal client buy sooner

  • Learn the persuasion methods that work best for your ideal client and offer - so you can get your ideal client to buy sooner 

  • Become a master decoder of body language - so you can read between the lines in what people are saying vs actually feeling

Module 3: Buyer Psychology

  • Learn the four personality types of buyers so you can sell to your entire audience

  • Master the association principle to be front of mind for your ideal clients

  • Learn the difference between the sales, buying, and decision-making process

Module 4: Sales Psychology

  • Learn the mental triggers to use in your marketing for a higher conversion 

  • How to get your ideal client to make macro commitments sooner through micro commitments. 

  • What cognitive bias' keep your ideal clients' money in their pockets vs getting support 

Module 5: Social Media Psychology

  • How to use the power of groupthink to cut through the noise your ideal client is hearing

  • The psychology of attention and how to gain more views on whatever content 

  • What it takes to have a loyal audience and how to recruit more people

Make $$, work Less + have more fun 

No gate keeping results 👇🏼



What does “buyer’s psychology” even mean and why does it matter?

What access do I have to Meghan with this course?

How long do I have access to the program?

What's included in the Buyer’s Psychology course?

How is Buyer’s Psychology different from other courses?

How much does Buyer’s Psychology cost?

Can I take this course to deepen my sales knowledge and teach it to my clients?

Buyer’s psychology is a consumer centered approach to marketing and sales that focuses on psychological principles from economics, sales psychology and human behavior. 

It’s your short cut to being able to understand the how, what and why your customers buy or don’t buy.

What does “buyer’s psychology” even mean and why does it matter?

What access do I have to Meghan with this course?

How long do I have access to the program?

What's included in the Buyer’s Psychology course?

How is Buyer’s Psychology different from other courses?

How much does Buyer’s Psychology cost?

Can I take this course to deepen my sales knowledge and teach it to my clients?

No, this course is my intellectual property - meaning that you cannot take this course, these methods or this information to teach your clients. If you are looking further sales education, I have a sales certificate that allows you to learn how to teach sales and use these methods

I know you've got questions...