
How to Batch Your Podcast Episodes



August 29, 2024

The two main things to consider when you batch your podcasts episodes are choosing the right topics and getting ahead. 

This blog post is going to break down exactly how to do both those things so you can schedule out your podcast episodes without recording episodes every single week. 

Choose evergreen podcast topics 

When you think about the principles of marketing, sales and business, they don’t change. The pieces that change is how we implement them. 

So when I batch my content I’m focused on those evergreen topics versus trendy topics. These are things I know aren’t changing quickly and I can easily batch it a few months ahead. 

Think about what are the principles in your niche that you can talk about over and over because they won’t really change in the next 3 or 6 months. 

That doesn’t mean you have to start from scratch – if you create content, emails, and blog posts already … Why not repurpose them into a podcast? 

You can take what you already have and adapt it to a new medium. That’s going to save you a lot of time. 

It’s okay to use the same content in different formats: your audience has different ways of learning (some love listening and some love reading) so those different inputs are going to help you reach more people. 

Consider your ideal Client when Brainstorming for your podcast 

When you sit down to brainstorm podcast episode topics, go back to your ideal client and the basics: 

  • What results does your ideal client want?  What’s keeping them up at night?
  • What are some struggles your ideal client faces? What are the symptoms of their struggles? 
  • What are client results or case studies you can share? 
  • What are outdated strategies in your space? Do you agree or disagree?

As you talk to people, grow your experience, read books – there’s so many things that as you build your knowledge and your expertise you can expand on these topics to help your audience understand it better. 

It’s okay to repeat yourself 

Not enough people are taking advantage of the work they already did through past content. If your content has done well you can reuse it and expand on it. 

You can talk about the same things over and over. There’s always new people finding you. 

As you approach the same topics, you can start doing deeper and deeper with these topics. What are some core themes that you can continuously come back to? 

The thing is as you grow in your business and become more of an expert your perspective on a topic might change so being able to talk about that through your podcast episodes. 

How to actually batch your podcast 

There’s three types of days when it comes to batching your podcast: an onstage day, a brainstorming day, and an editing day. 

So if I’m repurposing an old blog post, I’ll copy and paste that into my working doc. Then I’ll organize my thoughts and add in anything I want to mention. That becomes my outline for an episode. 

I’ll do a batch of outlines, then on another day I’ll record all of those episodes. 

And no, I’m not giving myself an entire day to batch record episodes. My episodes are usually 15-20 minutes long so I can do all of them in a morning or an afternoon. 

The last piece is editing and scheduling which I have our marketing manager do, but if you are doing this piece yourself don’t go overboard with the editing. Keep it simple and get your podcast out there. 

Planning your podcast episodes a year out

Batching your podcast comes from your overarching yearly marketing plan. So if you know you’re going to be launching a specific offer at a specific time, you can focus on topics related to that offer in your podcast. 

For us right now, I’m talking about sales topics because we’re focusing on promoting the Salesy membership.  So a lot of episodes are around the struggles that people face around sales. 

As we move into Scale to $5k season, the podcast will shift and then it will shift again as we move into Mission Income

Having a yearly theme and knowing what you’re going to talk about is going to make the process easier and cut down a lot of brainstorming time. 

If you’re someone who is truly struggling with this, check out Scale to $5k or Mission Income.  Both programs you get 1 on 1 calls with me so you can get support with long term planning.





How to Batch Your Podcast Episodes

Hey, I'm Meghan

I never planned to be in sales, but here I am after 9 years and probably won’t leave.

I didn’t come out of the womb selling but having three older brothers taught me a thing or two about how to get my way.

When I graduated in 2017, I thought I would trade my Colorado casual for a pant suit and a growing career. That quickly turned into management and getting fired after 11 grueling months.

But I was on to something when my clients started making more money.. So I ran head out into teaching more sales.

If you are a female entrepreneurs who is sick and tired of being stuck in the same place, unsure how to scale your business, sign clients and enjoy.

I’m teaching you to ditch the sleaze, unaligned, and just flat out dumb sales advice. You in?