This blog post is everything I wish someone had told me a year ago.
I’m currently writing my debut book – literally a dream of mine since I was a child.
But the other side of it is that writing a book is a big fucking deal. I think about the people I see at Barnes and Noble or even the books that are sitting on my desk, all of these authors have big things to say.
I don’t know if I’m ready to be in those shoes or be that person who WROTE a book.
Ever since I was a kid, writing was hard for me. I have dysgraphia, which is kinda like dyslexia but more about processing and writing.
So when I was in fourth grade I was put in special education because I was leaving out words as I wrote. I had to slow down, re-read my stuff and make sure I wasn’t leaving out words because my brain moved so fast I couldn’t get all my ideas down.
This insecurity followed me through college where I wrote papers every week and then it followed me into the business world when I had to create content on a daily, weekly, monthly basis.
When I hit my first $100k in sales, I felt like there were 2 different identities to me.
I was Meghan who was 24 years old, trying to figure out my life. And then online Meghan who was larger than life, getting on calls, building this business.
I held back on showing online Meghan in my real life, especially dating because I didn’t want to show up as intimidating.
Looking back, that’s dumb. Who cares if you intimidate someone? The right man will understand and support you.
Only when I married those two parts of myself that I could authentically show up and be the person I am today.
It’s the same thing with writing: I need to build up who I am as an author to be able to write this book.
Back in October I sat down at Starbucks to plan out my life and writing my book was at the top of the list.
I tried doing National Writing Month in November (a 50k word challenge in one month) – I’ve actually tried it for years – but I’ve never been able to complete it.
So after failing multiple times I asked myself how can I set myself up for success? What does that look like?
I kept telling everyone I wanted to write a book and being asked why I haven’t done it yet.
Because it’s SCARY. I’m having a quarter life crisis about writing this book and how it can change my life.
We all know I love hypnotherapy, so that was where I started with building my mindset around my identity as an author.
Fear is a top down experience. When you feel fear, your mouth goes dry, your muscles tighten up, and your body stops other metabolic processes because it thinks it needs to fight, flight or freeze. It’s created in your head and then it moves through your body.
When I think about fearful moments I’ve had in the past, it felt SO scary in the moment but looking back they were pivotal moments for me.
The moment I decided to take my last $200 and join a coaching program. Moving to sales coaching before the pandemic. Walking away from my business. Get therapy. Having a broken engagement. Build a $220k business in 18 months.
All of these situations where fear could have held me back and I just kept moving forward.
Being an entrepreneur is an act of courage and bravery and self-trust.
I look back to how many women I helped get debt-free, make $5k in a day, and buy houses. What if I had waited and never started Scale to $5k? What if I said I’m not the girl for the job and that needs to be someone else?
Would people still have access to this information? I don’t think there would be a Scale to $5k book without me because I own the trademark.
Even when it felt scary to talk about $5k months because everyone was talking about $10k months.
I think about what impact this book will have. How it can change lives and help people build the foundations of their business.
I’ll end on this note: owning a business is scary. Especially when you are balancing kids, your partner, or you’re at a crossroads.
There are times when you might think it’s easier to go corporate. But you are also really brave. There’s people who think about starting businesses and never do.
So while it feels scary to let go of that client that drained you, or to walk away from a program that makes you a lot of money…
That moment where you feel courageous and you know the action you take will be life changing, just go with your gut. You can always change your mind.
But you might find there’s so much joy and happiness on the other side.
If you are someone who is starting their business and working towards their first $5k months, check out Scale to $5k.
Image by: Alexa Vossler
I didn’t plan to end up in sales, but here I am, after 10 years, with over 350+ entrepreneurs served and probably not leaving anytime soon.
From getting fired after 11 grueling months in management to helping my clients double their revenue, I’ve learned that selling isn’t about sleazy pitches. It’s about connection, clarity, and confidence.
And now, I’m here to teach you everything I wish I had known when I started.
I’m teaching you to ditch the sleaze, unaligned, and just flat out dumb sales advice. You in?