
Mission Income Framework Breakdown



December 24, 2024

If you’re wondering what goes on inside Mission Income, this is a breakdown of the framework that happens inside and how it looks different from the Scale to $5k framework. 

Begin with the end in mind

The first piece is to begin with the end in mind. 

This is something I use with my clients a lot because it helps work backwards from their goal: Where do you want to be in 5, 10, 15 or 20 years? Where do you want to be in a year? 

When you know the end goal, you don’t feel the urgency of getting stuff done right away. You focus on the bigger picture and how to get to the end goal instead of focusing on busy work. 

That’s a big focus in Mission Income is taking away the removal of urgency and scarcity. It’s not about growing super fast, it’s about building a long term sustainable business. 

Build security and safety in your business

When it comes to Mission Income, I want to help build wealthy women. I was raised by my aunt who was wealthy. I know how important and powerful wealth in women’s hands is. 

Online business (or any business) gives women an opportunity to continue to build wealth. 

There’s a lot of pressure in the online space to make a bunch of money.

But there’s a lack of education around how to make sure your business is stable and how to pay yourself consistently.

Mission Income is a transitional season

Mission Income falls between Scale to $5k and Overflow Mastermind. Most of the people who are in Mission Income go into the year-long Overflow. Overflow focuses on scaling without taking on way too much. 

When clients come into Mission Income, they don’t always know where they want to be in 5 years. It can be a hard question. 

There’s plenty of programs that will teach you to hire, outsource or do rapid sales. Something I want my clients to feel in control of is understanding how they can make more money. They don’t need to add more things. They can use the time they have and build on the things they are doing. 

Mission Income has a huge focus on sales and marketing. There’s writing emails, creating Instagram posts, planning, implementing and executing campaigns. 

Not everyone will agree with doing business that way (and that’s okay). 

Mission Income helps you launch

A lot of entrepreneurs want to make more money but they’re constantly scaling their expenses as they scale their income. This makes it so they don’t hold onto a lot of money. 

That’s where in Mission Income you start with building your launch way far in advance. The way I teach launching is repeatable, consistent, and stable. 

It requires upfront work that you spread out over time. Doing this ahead of time makes it so you show up and are present during the launch. You launch and have the energy without the burnout. 

You know which programs are launching next. When someone isn’t a good fit for one offer, you can tell them what other options they have. This helps you sell multiple programs at once and stack your income. 

Mission Income framework is flexible

The Mission Income framework isn’t this set framework because it’s going to look different for every business. How you get to your goal, how you utilize marketing (in person or online), all of that will change from person to person. 

The other piece of this is building a business that allows you to make the money you want in the capacity you want.

A lot of people don’t consider the hours you work matter. You can only really get 3 to 5 tasks done every single day. That’s where refinement and understanding of your long term plan helps you get the important things done and keep moving. 

That’s why the framework focuses on building your sales and marketing foundations together with long term planning. 

Mission Income helps build your business around life

As someone who has helped 350 entrepreneurs in the last five years, scaled my own business, read tons of books, went to school for business, I’ve played my hand in so many things. 

What a lot of people don’t realize is you have to build your business in a way that supports your life and not the other way around. 

You don’t need to miss your kids’ softball game because you have to work. But you can still earn enough to buy the dream house you want. 

I don’t want you to miss out on life because you have to “work” while all your friends are going to the beach.

This is going to be the biggest difference in a program that has a set framework and Mission Income that is customized to you and your business. 

If you are someone who is at $5k/months and want to scale beyond that get on the waitlist for Mission Income





Mission Income Framework Breakdown

Hey, I'm Meghan

I didn’t plan to end up in sales, but here I am, after 10 years, with over 350+ entrepreneurs served and probably not leaving anytime soon.

From getting fired after 11 grueling months in management to helping my clients double their revenue, I’ve learned that selling isn’t about sleazy pitches. It’s about connection, clarity, and confidence.

And now, I’m here to teach you everything I wish I had known when I started.