
You’re Not Stupid – Nobody taught you Systems for your Business



December 26, 2024

Operations and task management is an essential piece of your business. But what isn’t talked about is how to manage these projects or build systems that work for your business, especially when you’re a neurodivergent girlie. 

And what do you do when you fall off and stop using your systems because you’re overwhelmed? 

The truth is if you’re a solo entrepreneur or founder, you might not have the capital to hire an online business manager so you have to do it all yourself. 

You need a cadence for your systems

When I say cadence I mean tasks that you do on a regular basis. 

So you’re going to have daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Understanding the cadence of these tasks and having some structure around it is huge for staying organized and on track. 

Daily tasks are going to look like answering DMs, emails, serving your clients, showing up on social media. 

Stuff like posting to your feed, writing marketing emails, all of those won’t be daily because you can batch them ahead of time. This is something you can start doing weekly but eventually do monthly. 

Content batching Cadence

If you’re someone who feels like batching content is forced… it’s not. 

Batching is a skill and it’s something that helps you zoom out on business so you can reach your long term goals. 

You stop thinking about content on a week to week basis. You aren’t spending time every day thinking What do I need to post? How should I show up? 

Batching your content ahead of time takes the pressure off. You don’t need to post every single day. Slowly build up as you build your capacity to create more content. 

Can you write two weeks worth of posts this week so when you show up next week, you write two more, and then you’re a month ahead on posts? 

This is how batching helps you build systems in your business. 

What consistency looks like on a weekly basis

Consistency is having a plan and sticking to the plan.

Where a lot of people struggle is because they don’t have a breakdown of what they’re doing on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. They don’t have a place to brain dump. 

Creating a system in Click up or Asana, and splitting your tasks into sprints, and rotating tasks based on the week – all of that can get overwhelming. 

So maybe right now it looks like brainstorming on your whiteboard. And as you grow and.have more things on your plate you can switch to a different systems for your business. 

Think about what your weeks look like and keep your calendar up to date with client calls. Maybe you keep all your client calls on 1 to 2 days a week so you can focus on client work and batching content on other days. 

Build your own monthly routine 

If you’re someone who menstruates you can think about how your energy fluctuates on a 28 day cycle. 

Certain weeks I have more energy so I focus on video stuff, podcast batching, brainstorming. When I get my period I take some time off. 

Taking one week off a month actually helps me perform better on the other 3 weeks. And while I’m not fully off on that week I open up a lot of space for me to rest. 

Your business isn’t going to burn down if you take a few days off.  So think about what your monthly cadence can look like and what’s going to work best for you. 

Also see: POST HERE

How to build your systems for business

Build systems for your business by writing down every single thing you do on a daily basis when it comes to business and put it in a project planner. 

You can log in and check it off every single day. That way if you get to the end of the week and feel like you haven’t accomplished anything, you can see that you really did a lot. 

Then think about what you do on a weekly basis. Put it into the system. It doesn’t matter what you use. Something that can duplicate tasks so you aren’t constantly rewriting your recurring daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. 

Think about all the things you want to accomplish in the next 6-12 months. Start mapping this out in your system. This is going to help you start slowly chipping away at these bigger projects. 

Instead of trying to fit a big project all in one week, you can slowly work on it for an hour a week. Then in 6 months or a year from now you actually accomplished way more than you thought you would. 

If you are someone who struggles with creating a system, give yourself room to learn and adjust as you go. Don’t expect perfection. You’re doing a lot more than you realize and keeping track will help you with a sense of completion in your business. 

You can even write your list on a piece of paper. It doesn’t have to be fancy, it just has to work for you. And if you want support implementing this, it’s something you can get support with in Mission Income

Also see: I was so broke, I had to borrow 4 figures from my BF





You’re Not Stupid – Nobody taught you Systems for your Business

Hey, I'm Meghan

I didn’t plan to end up in sales, but here I am, after 10 years, with over 350+ entrepreneurs served and probably not leaving anytime soon.

From getting fired after 11 grueling months in management to helping my clients double their revenue, I’ve learned that selling isn’t about sleazy pitches. It’s about connection, clarity, and confidence.

And now, I’m here to teach you everything I wish I had known when I started.