
Your content block = Creative Constipation



April 17, 2024

What is Creative Constipation?

It’s simple in it’s term. the same way when you get constipated in real life, this happens in your content process. Think about your content creation like a well oiled digestive tract. But instead of a food upsetting your tummy, it’s expectation you are creating on your content.

The idea that every post has to be the best

The fact that you are truly posting less but have no place to test your posts

Waiting for inspiration to strike (also see: getting in a creative rut that doesn’t include inspiring or niche-based conversations)

On the other side, too much doom scrolling and wondering TF this person is doing over here

Either way, the ideas aren’t flowing. You are sitting at your screen or reading this as your creative draino to get your ideas back.

I welcome all and one of the above, as someone who has created thousands of pieces of content via Instagram, stories, and now this blog. I get it . What I can tell you – is by the end of this blog post, you will have an understand of WHY this happens and how to fix it.

Why does this happen?

The idea that every post has to be the best

Every post isn’t going to be a good one. Not everything you say is a good thing. How freeing can that be when you consider that you can create without expecting that THIS of all posts is the one? In fact, the posts that have done well for me are ones that I didn’t expect to do well. Content marketing is a BODY of work, not just that one post.

The bigger problem I see is FORCING the ideas or the brainstorming. Whether you agree or not, you can agree that ideas are hitting you constantly. The goal isn’t to recreate them when you sit down; start collecting them in ONE PLACE (yes, one place).

So when you sit down to write your content, you have it there and readily available for you.

The fact that you are truly posting less but have no place to test your posts

Your favorite authors, poets, and comedians test their content. Whether that is in short form, stand-up jokes, or even creating a pen name and writing under it if they are known in a genre. It makes sense in a world that demands women to take up as little space as possible. Pairing with the burnout that most business owners have been facing in the last couple of who the fuck even knows.

Truth is – you have to have a place to test what does well and just shit post. (GASP)

Waiting for inspiration to strike (also see: getting in a creative rut that doesn’t include inspiring or niche-based conversations)

Inspiration is a product of what you are doing, meaning you have to take action. Poor is the business owner that relies on something they can’t see and can’t control. Most of your favorite people creating content or writers have a routine to it.

As Ernest Hemingway famously coined – his inspiration sturke at the same time based on his routine and the things he was doing.

You have so many places to pull inspiration from beyond the doom scrolling and comparing yourself. Pull yourself out of the mundane, and go beyond the tired advice being spread around.

On the other side, too much doom scrolling and wondering TF this person is doing over here

Comparision is the thief of joy, but in a world that uses information crowd sharing – it’s a no wonder that you want to know. You want to keep up with the jones, and know what is happening on the other side of the space.

But this idea that you HAVE to keep up with them, to know their move so you can make an appropriate move, is tiring. It tiring to feel like you need to be one step ahead of other people when you can happily be in your own lane

Truth is – you aren’t them and you don’t need to keep up with them. This isn’t the case of the cuban missle crisis and needing that knowledge. This is business, and you simply can state in your lane.

What do I tell clients to do?

Stop scrolling, go touch grass, and stop the input

too much input is bad for your brain, so easiest way it to CUT IT OFF.

and while you are looking for some secret to write 90 posts in 5 seconds and then get 1 milli views. It truly comes down to stop consuming so much content (even reading this blog)

and start creating





Your content block = Creative Constipation

Hey, I'm Meghan

I never planned to be in sales, but here I am after 9 years and probably won’t leave.

I didn’t come out of the womb selling but having three older brothers taught me a thing or two about how to get my way.

When I graduated in 2017, I thought I would trade my Colorado casual for a pant suit and a growing career. That quickly turned into management and getting fired after 11 grueling months.

But I was on to something when my clients started making more money.. So I ran head out into teaching more sales.

If you are a female entrepreneurs who is sick and tired of being stuck in the same place, unsure how to scale your business, sign clients and enjoy.

I’m teaching you to ditch the sleaze, unaligned, and just flat out dumb sales advice. You in?