
What is Consumer Buyer Behavior?



December 30, 2021

What is Buyer Behavior?

Buyer Behavior is the actions that your ideal client takes to uncover information and make buying decisions. This is the roadmap that someone could take from finding you, looking through your services page, and ultimately investing with you.

Buyer psychology is the study of this. When you are looking at your business, and what has caused past clients to buy. Buyer Psychology uncovers your customer journey

Not everyone buys with the same emotions or thoughts in mind. Human nature plays a big role in buying, so we don’t want to treat it differently in your own business. 

Buyer Behavior is something that is broken down when you focus on HOW and why your ideal clients are buying your services. What most people forget is that the way you buy an offer may not be the same way your ideal client buys.

With that in mind, let’s go over my top three steps to getting someone to buy:

Further Reading: What is Sales Psychology , What is the Consumer Buying Process?

How does Problem awareness Affect Buyer Behavior?

A lot of times, our ideal client isn’t aware of the problem they have. I’m a perfect example of this: When I got into business, I didn’t have business foundations; therefore I thought there were all these other strategies and solutions. But I wasn’t aware of what was truly wrong. 

We need to create awareness around the problem someone is currently having. How do we do this? We talk about pain points and paint the picture for them. What’s going on for them? Then we can present how we help them. 

if you struggle to figure out the problems that your current ideal client is struggling with – this is a GREAT chance to do some market research.

And you need to be repetitive with speaking about these problems. So many people are afraid or don’t want to talk about the same thing over and over. But this is the goal of sales. People need to know what the problem is and they won’t know if you mention it once and move on. 

What Solution are you creating for your Buyer?

When we paint that picture, we want the ideal customer to vividly see what the other end looks, feels, and sounds like. When they have a problem and they don’t know what the solution is, you need to put it into their mind. You’re bringing them from a place of pain to a place of pleasure. 

And this isn’t fear-based marketing because you’re not telling them their life is over if they don’t buy from you. But you are telling them that the solution is possible, here’s the transformation you could make, and you have a way to get them there.  

Is your Buyer Aware of your services and you?

A lot of times, your ideal client is in a vicious circle. They know what the problem is, they can picture the solution, but they don’t know how to get there. Sometimes we need help, and that’s where this third step comes in. Now, you’re inserting yourself in as the solution and an authority. This means you need to say things like:

I help my clients with _____.

This is what I teach inside of my program.

My clients see results when I help them with _______ based on ______.

And you need to talk about your offers 8-20 times – and you can do this in a variety of ways besides hard-selling, like showcasing your clients, the transformations they’ve made, or show behind the scenes work (this is GOLD for engagement!). 

Four Types of Buyers

Now that you know how to get someone to buy, it’s important to remember that not everyone’s motivations to buy are the same. How you buy is not how everybody else buys. This is important to remember because you’ll have to speak to or approach each type of buyer differently. The different buyer types plays into your overall Buyer Behavior. If you struggle to get your audience to click on your links or put in applications – this is your next level for Buyer behavior.


The Driver moves at a fast pace, and they’re upfront. They want to know what they’re getting out of buying from you – the transformation. And they want to be informed of how you’re going to move them throughout their transformation faster. 


They want to know ALL the details: who it’s for, how it helps them, where you come in. It’s up to you to get them out of the decision-making area and say “HELL YES” or “hell no.”


Relationship buyers buy from people they know and love. They want to buy from a trustworthy and expert source. Good news: they tend to be loyal and repeat customers. Speak to these people as an authority who can also be a friend as you help them along with their transformation.


You need to show compassion to these types of buyers. They make a decision based on feelings. But you also show your passion behind your business. You want to play into their feelings, but NOT through fear-based marketing. Fear-based marketing is consuming any media that makes you feel fear or anxiety. It essentially tells people, “If you don’t buy this, this will happen.” 

You don’t ever want someone to feel like they HAVE to buy something to be successful, but rather, you’re presenting an opportunity. Buying from that place can lead to scarcity or buyer’s remorse. You ALWAYS want your ideal clients to feel empowered and excited when they buy What questions do you have about buyer behavior? Have you noticed these behavioral patterns since you began selling? Leave me a comment so we can dive into this conversation together!





What is Consumer Buyer Behavior?

Hey, I'm Meghan

I never planned to be in sales, but here I am after 9 years and probably won’t leave.

I didn’t come out of the womb selling but having three older brothers taught me a thing or two about how to get my way.

When I graduated in 2017, I thought I would trade my Colorado casual for a pant suit and a growing career. That quickly turned into management and getting fired after 11 grueling months.

But I was on to something when my clients started making more money.. So I ran head out into teaching more sales.

If you are a female entrepreneurs who is sick and tired of being stuck in the same place, unsure how to scale your business, sign clients and enjoy.

I’m teaching you to ditch the sleaze, unaligned, and just flat out dumb sales advice. You in?